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Italian Armoured Renault ADRs, WW2

A group of Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale of MVSN legionnaires aboard an armored Renault ADR during a partisan clean-up operation in a Yugoslav village in 1943. Italian forces during WW2 lacked armored personnel carriers so improvised them from existing vehicles such as the captured French Renault ADR 1 1935, a 3.5 ton truck with a 4-cylinder engine with the military intended variant produced with only the 4-cylinder in-line gasoline engine delivering 62 horsepower at 2,350 rpm and a 5-speed transmission. The trucks were delivered to the Armée de Terre French Army in 400 units, 126 of which went to the Garde Républicaine ( Republican Guard) before and during the war. Almost all were requisitioned by Axis troops after the French Campaign. Given the improvised nature of these armored personnel carriers, their protection was also improvised or taken from scrap yards. The cargo bays were protected with 10 mm thick trench shields dating back to World War I. 

Rectangular or ellipsoidal firing loopholes for infantry passengers were made into the plates and shields. These shields and plates were placed in two rows, one on top of the other, on the cargo bays, held together by welding. The final vehicles weighed around 4 tons, had a 2 man crew of Driver and vehicle commander plus passengers, one of whom may be a gunner. They had a speed of around 50 km/h and a range of around 250 km depending on the amount of armor and weaponry mounted to the vehicles. The first row was placed at 90° and consisted of eight trench shields (or plates of the same size) welded to supports fixed directly to the vehicle’s chassis. The second row was composed of eight shields or plates welded and angled at about thirty degrees. Like many other protected vehicles produced by Italy, both in an improvised and industrial manner, a major problem was the lack of a roof. This created problems with shrapnel or hand grenades falling inside the cargo bay, injuring or killing all occupants. In addition to this serious problem, the lack of a roof exposed the transported soldiers to the weather conditions.


To solve these problems, bomb nets or wooden boards were mounted on the roof to protect from bombs thrown at the vehicles. Initially, the vehicles produced received armor only on the cargo bay. Later, the vehicles also received cab protection to protect the driver and the vehicle commander. Some armor plates or trench shields were placed to protect the doors and the front of the cab by cutting a large slot for the driver and maintaining the slits on the doors and the side of the vehicle commander. Together with the cabs, the fuel tanks were also armored to increase protection, but the wheels and the engine compartment, and the radiator were never armored. In the beginning, the armament was absent on the Renault ADR Protetti vehicles. The defense was assured by the cargo bay slits, 13 on each side. Seven were in the lower row of trench shields and armor plates, and 6 in the upper row. In addition, there were six on the rear, 4 in the lower row and 2 in the upper one, for a total of 32 slits on three sides of the cargo bay.


For defense in these cases, the bipod of a light machine gun Breda Mod. 1930 was simply placed on the roof of the cabin, but it had many problems with reliability and a very slow clip reloading system that did not allow an effective suppression fire with only 20 6.5MM Mannlicher-Carcano rounds at a mere practical 150 rounds per minute and no protection for the gunner position save for a gun shield on some of the conversions.

The machine gun entered service in 1930 and 10,000 were produced until 1945. It proved unsuitable for the role of infantry support because of its weight, its mechanical unreliability and too much maintenance required to keep it effective. At the same time, the cabin of the truck was armored. As a consequence, three more rifle slits were added for the vehicle commander and driver, one on the right side, one on the left side, and a third one on the front.


In this image are visible the firing ports on the side of the Renault ADR Blindato, the barrels of two Carcano Mod. 91/38 Cavalleria rifles and a Breda Mod. 30 light machinegun, together with the FIAT-Revelli Mod. 14/35 machine gun with a gun shield on top. The fuel tank and the cabin are not armored.

The FIAT-Revelli Modello 1914/1935 medium machine gun, on the other hand, was a modification made between 1935 and 1940 to the stock of FIAT-Revelli Model 1914 6.5 × 52 mm water-cooled machine guns used with great success in World War I by the Regio Esercito and improved it for post WW1 use with a 50 round or 100 round belt and a new more powerful 8MM chambering.

At a later stage, the low volume of fire from the soldiers firing through the loopholes was noted. In most cases, they were equipped with Carcano bolt-action rifles of various models. In order to remedy this, a support was added to the center of the cargo bay for a FIAT-Revelli Mod. 14/35 machine gun with a frontal shield to protect the gunner.

At the same time, the cabin of the truck was armored. As a consequence, three more slits were added for the vehicle commander and driver, one on the right side, one on the left side, and a third one on the front.


Another photo of the rear of the same vehicle. The ladder to access the armored cargo bay and a gun barrel in a rear loophole are visible.

After the Axis occupation of Yugoslavia from April 1941 and as the Yugoslav resistance movements began to extensively target garrisons, transport and supply convoys as well as rails systems the Italians began increasing the number of armored vehicles in Yugoslavia. Initially, these were just standard CV series light tanks. From 1942 onwards, several different types of armored trucks began to be a common appearance.

These trucks were used to patrol and protect various vital supply lines, act as convoy escorts, often used to transport documents or very important materials, reducing the number of men on board (but maintaining a more than the adequate defensive capacity to repel partisan attacks), directly supporting Italian units in combat against the Partisans, etcetera. They were mainly active in Italian-occupied territories like Slovenia and Croatia. Some Renault ADR Blindati armored trucks were also operated by the Italians in Yugoslavia. During 1942, these took part in the forced deportation of Yugoslavian civilians around the area of Gorskog Kotara and Slovenije to camps located in Italy.

A group of Italian Royal Army Officers comes out of a Renault ADR Blindato.

Another important role that the armored trucks played was to transport officers of the Royal Italian Army safely from one garrison to another while on official visits, or to replace other officers.

Yugoslav partisan attacks were unpredictable and it would not have been safe for officers to travel in unprotected staff cars through areas in which partisan fighters operated.

After the Italian capitulation, the Germans came into possession of most of the weapons and armored vehicles of its former ally, including armored trucks One of the first uses of Italian armored trucks by the Germans was for anti-partisan operations in Slovenia during September 1943. These, together with other captured equipment, were usually distributed to various small garrisons. After 1943, the use of Italian-built armored trucks largely disappeared from this front, or they were operated in quite limited numbers.

The forces of the German puppet state of Croatia also managed to capture a number of Italian fighting vehicles, including some armored trucks. The Yugoslavian Partisans also captured and used some Italian armored trucks.

Although produced in workshops and in very few examples, the Renault ADR, together with the few other Italian armored trucks, played a key role in escorting convoys and patrols, being able to supply the isolated Italian garrisons in Yugoslavia until September 8th, 1943. While these were built using civilian vehicles and improvised armor protection, due to the Partisans’ lack of proper anti-tank weapons, they offered some level of protection and also increased the offensive capabilities of the Italians that used them. Nevertheless, after the Italian capitulation, the use of such vehicles rapidly declined under the control of the Germans.


Tanks Encyclopedia

F. Cappellano and P. P. Battistelli (2018) Italian Armored and Reconnaissance Cars 1911-1945, New Vanguard

B. B. Dimitrijević and Dragan S.(2011) Oklopne jedinice na Jugoslovenskom ratištu 1941-1945, Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd.

D. Predoević (2008) Oklopna vozila i oklopne postrojbe u drugom svjetskom ratu u Hrvatskoj, Digital Point Tiskara

I Corazzati di Circostanza Italiani – Nico Sgarlato

I Blindati di Circostanza della Guerra Civile – Paolo Crippa

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