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European Technicals and IAV's Post- WW2

After the end of WW2, technicals were utilised particularly during the Post-Soviet breakup in Eastern Europe, as well as in the Bosnian War of the 1990's and the Ukrianian Crisis of 2013-onwards. Because of the compulsory military service within those nations, as well as better access to weapons and materials compared to Vietnam or most Middle Eastern technical / IAV makers, many of the vehicles from this conflict are better designed, with some even being so successful as to be become semi-standardised patterns used by military groups rather than only rebel forces.

Some of the design ideas first used here, notably the use of S-5 helicopter rocket pods (1) on ground vehicles, would appear in later conflicts such as Iraq, Afghanistan as well as being used during the Syrian Civil War. 


Ukrainian 'Scorpion 2' up-armoured technical armed with a heavy machinegun, 2014

1- Yuri Lyamin with N.R. Jenzen-Jones, Improvised Employment of S-5 Air-to-Surface Rockets in Land Warfare:  brief history and technical appraisal, Armament Research Services, (2014)

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