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Neville, Leigh, ‘Technicals- Non-Standard Tactical Vehicles from the Toyota War to modern Special Forces’, Osprey Publishing, 2018


Kollars, Nina, ‘Military Innovation’s Dialectic: Gun Trucks and Rapid Acquisition.’, Security Studies, 2014


Killblane, Richard, ‘Convoy Ambush Case Studies- Volume 1- Korea and Vietnam’, US Army Transportation School, 2013


COL David H. Thomas, “Vehicle Convoy Security Operations in the Republic of Vietnam,” Active Project No. ACG-78F, US Army Contact Team in Vietnam, APO San Francisco, CA 96384, (30 September 1971)

Killblane, Richard, ‘Circle the Wagons- The History of US Army Convoy Security’, Combat Studies Institute Press, 2005


Solomon, Martin, ‘Islamic State: Understanding the Nature of the Beast and its Funding’, February 28, (2017) 'Armour in the Islamic State, the Story of 'The Workshop', Oryx, (2017)


David A Finlayson, Michael K Cecil, Pioneers of Australian Armour: In the Great War, Big Sky Publishing, (2015) 


Vokislav Jereb, English by David Spencer, Croatian Improvised AFV's 1991-1995- A Pictoral History, Adamic, (2002)


Yuri Lyamin with N.R. Jenzen-Jones, Improvised Employment of S-5 Air-to-Surface Rockets in Land Warfare:  brief history and technical appraisal, Armament Research Services, (2014)


CW3 (Ret) Louis Brittingham, The Birth of Brutus


Yuri Lyamin with N.R. Jenzen-Jones, Improvised Employment of S-5 Air-to-Surface Rockets in Land Warfare:  brief history and technical appraisal, Armament Research Services, (2014)


Martin, Adam, , 'The Atlantic', (2011) , 'Insight-Photos from-Nuevo-Laredo-shootout', (2011)


Kollars, Nina, “War’s Horizons: Soldier-Led adaption in Iraq and Afghanistan”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 38, (2015)


Solis, William, Defense Logistics: Lack of a Synchronized Approach between the Marine Corps and Army Affected the Timely Production and Installation of Marine Corps Truck Armor: GAO-06-274.”, GAO Reports, (2006)


David Goran, ‘The Formula 1 land mine detector – The Pookie’, (2016)


Images of the ‘Spider’/Persuader by T Swearengen, Sunday Mail

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